A Day in the Life of an Intern
October 16, 2020
Counselors, Champions and Coaches: The 2020 Learnings We’re Keeping for 2021
February 4, 2021
A Day in the Life of an Intern
October 16, 2020
Counselors, Champions and Coaches: The 2020 Learnings We’re Keeping for 2021
February 4, 2021

Be the Voice and the Vote this November

Election Day tasks all eligible U.S. citizens with an important role: Deciding who will lead our country for the next four years. Here at Access, we are honoring this day and the crucial impact it holds by updating our agency policies on voting and treating Election Day as a company-wide holiday. This decision gives time back to our employees so they can commit to their civic duty of heading to the polls and voting.

Our employees will not only be casting their votes. They are also encouraged to participate in activities and events that they feel will best support our country and their communities. From volunteering their time at polling stations to having authentic discussions to educate loved ones about the importance of voting, we feel strongly about our role in making decisions that positively impact our country and citizens.

Nicole del Cardayre, a 20-year-old college junior and an intern on our consumer team, recently shared why she has chosen to spend this day in an interactive way, volunteering to work as an election judge in Denver.

“This election has great importance to me and the rest of my generation. It has the ability to impact the futures of millions as well as the health of our planet. I chose to dedicate my time as an election judge because I felt I was not doing enough by just casting my vote. In my lifetime, this is the first presidential election I will be qualified to vote in. I hope that all people qualified to vote do so.”

“I have been practicing Spanish since I was in kindergarten and was declared bilingual by the State of California in 2018. I am now pursuing a minor in Spanish and hope to use my bilingualism to facilitate success in cross-culture communications. I hope that I will be able to help others feel empowered on Election Day and enable Spanish-speaking individuals to vote confidently without hesitation. A 2005 study published in James Thomas Tucker’s book, The Battle Over Bilingual Ballots, found that election officials drastically underestimated the number of voters in their jurisdictions who needed language assistance. On average, officials estimated that 5.5% of the voters needed assistance, however, the actual number was 10.9%.”

In addition, we are proud to be working with our client Common Cause, a non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. In collaboration with their national team, we are developing and distributing banner ads that encourage voters of all ages and backgrounds to vote with confidence while directing them toward educational voting tools that can help them register to vote, check their registration status, request an absentee ballot, and more.

As an agency that supports and celebrates people from all walks of life, we want to encourage a day of reflection and conscious decision-making. We hope that all qualified voters voice their opinion in this election because everyone’s vote matters and holds the power to contribute to the future of our country.