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Tech Trends Media Landscape: How can your brand be a part of the conversation?
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Going Beyond Earth Day: How Access Clients Are Weaving Sustainability into Their Brand

This year’s Earth Day Theme is “Invest in Our Planet,” which emphasizes the need for businesses and individuals to take action to support a green economy. As communicators, we uniquely support our clients in creating sustainability campaigns that raise awareness, show transparency and work towards meaningful goals to make an impact. Of course, approaching authenticity when it comes to a greener future means brands must be more than their PR campaign.

The theme reminds us that a truly sustainable future is not just the campaign you put forth but the brand’s values that live through the way you do business every day. From green technology and innovation to working with sustainable partners to building eco-friendly processes, we’ve worked with brands that thread sustainability into their ethos, making contributions toward the investment of our planet. 

As we celebrate Earth Day, we’re proud to highlight some of our clients and initiatives we’re supporting that impact their industries through eco-conscious values and initiatives:

Blue Diamond: Sharing a Sustainability Story Through Creativity

Blue Diamond is a grower-owned cooperative representing approximately 3,000 of California’s almond growers. The company has been a leader in using pollinator-friendly plantings in its growers’ orchards to promote biodiversity and climate-smart agriculture.

As a part of the brand’s commitment to promoting biodiversity and pollinator health as well as supporting their local communities, Blue Diamond has participated in the Rose Parade®, an iconic annual event held in Pasadena, California. For 2023, Blue Diamond created a float meticulously built to honor the almond pioneer’s past, present and future by paying tribute to the vital role of pollinators in the almond industry.

Using thousand of flowers, the Sacramento-based co-op created joyful bees that reinforced its commitment to sustainable partners that support honeybee health, such as Project Apis m. and Pollinator Partnership, and its leadership in using pollinator-friendly plantings in growers’ orchards to advance biodiversity and climate-smart agriculture. Its participation in the Rose Parade is just one example of the company’s dedication to bringing awareness of sustainable and responsible practices that benefit the environment and its communities.

Pure Storage: Helping Customers Meet Their Own ESG Goals

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are becoming increasingly important for companies across all industries, including the imprint of their technology infrastructure. Data centers, for example, are critical components of the digital economy. However, these data centers are also known for their massive energy consumption and contribution to carbon emissions. Enter Pure Storage, the IT pioneer that delivers advanced data storage technology and services. 

Sustainability has been a part of Pure Storage’s DNA from its inception as a disruptor in the storage industry. Pure Storage systems use significantly less energy than other flash-based systems and vastly less than traditional disk-based storage systems, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions for customers. 

As energy savings become increasingly critical to organizations around the globe, Pure Storage is continuing to invest in helping customers achieve their environmental and energy reduction goals. It recently introduced new sustainability tools to give customers greater visibility into their environmental impact and suggest ways to optimize. And the company focuses its own innovation efforts on advancing its core products to be more and more sustainable.

On a Mission to Restore the Earth 

Businesses can’t thrive on a dying planet. Climate change poses significant risks to the environment, society, and the economy, and no single business can solve it alone. Businesses can leverage their resources to reduce climate risk and build more resilient communities by working together. Ultimately, companies that commit to sustainability can push their industry forward to improve. To help accomplish this within their industries, some of our tech clients have committed to net zero carbon emissions goals and are on track to meet – or even exceed – those goals in the future. 

To address climate change’s toll on the environment, a few of our food clients are committed to implementing innovative techniques in their day-to-day operations to restore the ecosystem. Whether by practicing holistic farming practices or rebuilding soil health, our clients play an important role in protecting our natural resources.

We are in the reputation business, and it’s never been more important for brands to take a stand. Access is proud to partner with brands that are genuinely making an authentic mark on the environment. As an agency, we are committed to partnering with companies that make waves in their industries – helping to share their important work, inspire action and invest in our planet.